Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Recital - May 8th

River City Dance School put on an amazing performance for their recital at Lewiston High School, on May 8th. I, am in fact a student at the dance school, and I really enjoyed dancing in four of the dances. I was in a ballet dance, a hip hop piece, a lyrical piece, and, one of my favorites, a Micheal Jackson dance! Dancing on stage is soo much fun, however, so is being backstage. You just get to chill back there with your friends and try to ignore the nerves that are twisting your stomach into knots. But when is does come time to perform on the stage remember to SMILE!! I remember messing up during the dress rehersal, and when I told people afterwards, they told me that they didn't notice my mess up because they were looking at my face, and my smile! I love dancing, but I have to admit, that smiling on stage is more important than getting the moves right! Recital was amazing and I can't wiat till next year!!


  1. I can relate to the whole knot in your stomach thing. Man, is that painful. But, smiling really does help. Breathe, Smile, Breathe, Smile. Do you think the night of the graduation we'll have the knot?

  2. I also can relate with the nerves thing. Always before a basketball game I get nervous. But the really weird thing is that I love being onstage but I hate waiting and getting nerves. I would rather get it over with it then wait.

