Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This poem is dedicated to Morgan Ashe, my best friend.

By: Melanie Berreth

Like peas in a pod
We're as close as can be
She's with my in ups,
with me in downs.
A nice warm hug is there
whenever i need it,
no matter where.
Over hot cocoa,
or even some tea,
we discuss many things.
She is always there for me.
We confide in each other,
about things we've never told.
Friends are to precious to lose.
She is a chest with a lock.
With all of my secrets inside.
She would never tell a single soul,
of the things that i confide,
But keeps them under lock and key,
to prevent embarrassing me.
And I am to her as she is to me,
I am her chest with a lock and key.
As friends I hope,
we never part,
As sisters forever be.
We will be
close friends,
for all eternity.
Thank You, Morgan.


  1. I wonder where you get such wonderful ideas. You have all different sorts of stories but they are only a sentence. Parts rhythm and the entire thing flows! My favorite part that I ultimately love is "She is a chest with a lock.
    With all of my secrets inside". You have such good ideas! I am wondering did you do this for L.A. class because this is awesome!

  2. Thank you Melanie that was very touching. I could really feel your emotions and feelings in that poem. That is part of what made it so strong. The reader could relate to it and enjoy it. You have many creative metaphors, great literary elements. To compare friends to chests was a very creative idea and also made me realize how important friends are for holding secrets, sharing stories, and confiding in.

